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[mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h1″ size=”28″ font_weight=”bold” font_family=”none”]Bullet & Blast Resistant[/mk_fancy_title][mk_divider style=”thick_solid” border_color=”#eac623″]
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Bullet Resistant Doors are used in banks, financial and government buildings, gas stations, cash centers, and high crime areas. These doors and windows come in a variety of grades and are rated to resist penetration from .22 caliber bullets to mortar shells. Bullet Resistant Glass is the most common protection for fixed windows or glass/metal doors. Most metal frame doors can accept bullet resistant glass.


  • Solid Metal doors
  • Wood Doors, choice of wood, metal core
  • Bullet resistant Glass doors
  • Multiple grades of bullet and blast resistance.
  • Teller drive-thru windowed boxes
  • Teller windows with bullet-resistant glass

Whatever your needs are CES can recommend a door to accommodate almost any commercial building with a Bullet or Blast Resistant requirement.

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