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[mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h1″ size=”28″ font_weight=”bold” font_family=”none”]Two Piece Counterweight Doors[/mk_fancy_title][mk_divider style=”thick_solid” border_color=”#eac623″]
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One Piece Counterweight Doors are typically used in small industrial buildings with door openings up to 12’ X 15’. They offer the option of a pilot door to alleviate the need to have a separate personnel door opening in the wall to allow human entry and exit.


  • Lifts vertically offers 100% access to the door opening when the door is open
  • Simple design and operation. Easy to manually lift open.
  • Easy to close, simply pull down a rope tether.
  • No springs are used. Doors are counterweighted with cables and a steel gravity weight. Low maintenance.
  • Safely stores doors above door opening parallel to the wall, minimizing forklift risk.
  • Doesn’t obstruct work light from skylights or other lighting fixtures near the door opening.
  • Lasts for decades when maintained properly.
  • Not appropriate for motorized operation
  • Must have headroom above the door equal to half the door opening height plus 1ft.
  • Most existing doors can be matched for the exterior appearance with identical or similar sheeting.
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